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Videos and Articles for Professionals

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families with domestic abuse.

I. How and Why Professionals Use Our Resources

Putting these unique resources to work with the parents you serve.

Professionals' Introduction to UpToParents
A brief explanation of our assistance to families experiencing separation or divorce and to the professionals who serve them

Use of UpToParents.org and ProudToParent.org in All Divorce and Paternity Cases
Judge Michael Scopelitis talks about the benefits and power of these free resources (1:54 video)

The Several Benefits of UpToParents.org and ProudToParent.org in Divorce and Paternity Cases – and Simple Steps for Implementation
A handout for your use in presentations to colleagues

Sample Mechanisms Used by Courts and Co-Parenting Educators in Referring Parents to UpToParents.org
These simple notices and court rules, and adaptations of them, are sending thousands of parents each month to these free websites.

Attorney, Parent, and Voice for UpToParents.org
An attorney describes what UpToParents meant in her own divorce—and can mean for others

Sample Agreed Commitments from UpToParents
An example--in English and Spanish--of the Agreed Commitments a mother and father can build from UpToParents

Sample UpToParents Exercise Responses
A sample of parents' written website work

Endorsements of UpToParents
A sampling of the comments we receive about these free websites

Some Unique Advantages of UpToParents
13 points of one-of-a-kind superiority of these websites

Tracking Any Jurisdiction’s Usage of UpToParents.org, ProudToParent.org, and WhileWeHeal.org
Jurisdictions’ opportunity to easily track their success in referring parents to these websites

Video Sampling
A Two-Minute Sampling of the 50+ Videos on UpToParents.

II. Particular Specialists' Use of Our Resources

See how particular family law specialists can use these resources to better assist parents and families.

Professionals' Introduction to UpToParents
A brief explanation of our assistance to families experiencing separation or divorce and to the professionals who serve them

Courts' and Co-Parenting Educators' Use of UpToParents and ProudToParent
A short statement of the advantages these resources can be to parents in divorce and paternity cases--and the ease with which they can be implemented in any jurisdiction

Improving Family Mediation with UpToParents
A short memo and video training on the child-focused preparation that can assist mediation success

Expanding Collaborative Practice (CP) with UpToParents
A short memo and the simple forms that can bring this child and solution focus to Collaborative attorneys, divorce coaches, and child specialists

UpToParents and the Co-Parenting Assets and Improvement Review (C.A.I.R.)
The case for, and training in, family reviews that give parents the best chance to improve their cooperation and withdraw from conflict

The Several Benefits of UpToParents.org and ProudToParent.org in Divorce and Paternity Cases – and Simple Steps for Implementation
A handout for your use in presentations to colleagues

III. The Hope of a Cooperative System of Family Law

Some practical ideas on returning law to its intended role as healer of conflict and preserver of relationships.

An Introduction to a Cooperative System of Family Law and Its Expression in AssessFamilyLaw.org
See 25 specific measures a jurisdiction can adopt to meet the true needs of families in separation and divorce (videostream included).

Family Professionals' Highest Responsibility
A judge's ideas on a lodestar for family professionals (4:29 video)

The UpToParents Model Rule for Cooperation in Family Cases
This model court rule for cooperative family law can be adapted to help jurisdictions better serve families in crisis.

Lawyer as Peacemaker: Building a Successful Law Practice Without Ever Going to Court
Forrest "Woody" Mosten, a prominent collaborative attorney, mediator, and author offers a picture of the problem-solving attorney

A Plan for a Single Court's Adoption of Cooperative Family Law Measures
A model order that a single judge can use to boost cooperation in family law cases

Model Divorce and Paternity Brochures
Educational brochures essential in explaining the judicial expectations of safety and child-focused cooperation

A Short Conversation with Judge Greg Horn
Judge Greg Horn from Wayne County, Indiana describes his jurisdiction's adoption of cooperative measures (including the requirement that motions be preceded by a solution-focused consultation)—and the excellent results from these cooperative (5:20 audio)

The Future Co-Parenting Relationship
The responsibility of all family professionals (3:46 video)

Family Attorneys' Pledge of Cooperation
In 2004 and 2005, over 50 St. Joseph (Indiana) County attorneys helped draft and then endorsed this Pledge of Cooperation, a remarkable commitment to giving families more enlightened help in their difficult transitions.

Attorneys as Healers: Rediscovering the Law's Problem-Solving Tradition
The movement toward a lawyer's duty of healing is not so much a modern innovation as a return to the profession's highest historical calling.

Parenting Plan Worksheet
An outline for parents to succeed in parenting.

IV. Building a Successful Mediation Practice Using Our Resources

Resources for building a unique and successful family mediation practice around the needs of children and families

Attorneys' Influence on Mediation Success
A primer on good–and destructive–lawyering (8:13 video)

Mediator's Initial Discussion with Attorneys
Form used when speaking with parents' attorneys.

The Mediation Alternative
An explanation of what mediation is--and what it is not.

Mediation Intake for Parents in a Family Case
Intake form for parents.

Agreement to Mediate a Family Matter
Agreement to Mediate form for parents.

Agreement Letters
Some letters memorializing agreements reached by parents using mediation.

V. Your Presentations to Colleagues about Our Resources

Straightforward materials for successful presentations on UpToParents.org and ProudToParent.org

Suggestions for Judges Presenting about UpToParents.org and ProudToParent.org
Six quick ideas for your presentations to colleagues

The Several Benefits of UpToParents.org and ProudToParent.org in Divorce and Paternity Cases – and Simple Steps for Implementation
A handout for your use in presentations to colleagues